Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"The Path to Success"

The Path to Success, what is the path to success? Only you know whats your path because it all depends on you. When your planning your future you got to look at the steps of the path to really see whats there. If a high school student wants to get through the path of success, they have to put their all in school now, get good grades, and make the right decisions, I think it all depends on yourself. There are a lot of things that can help you get through that path also. There are people that encourage you and people that help you actually get to that point of success. Like your parents. They can encourage you by making sure your going to school and doing your homework. Its always nice when they tell you that they can help you go to a college that you wanna go to after high school like pay for it or anything. BUT I think the fair way to earn that is doing what you got to do.


  1. OK, Bianca, but my question is, what does "success" mean to *you*!

    There is a great quote attributed to Confucius that says

    "Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

    I've been teaching for 20 years, and I've loved every one of them. I like having a change in the Summer, but by the time August rolls around, I can't wait for the new year to start.

    I hear so many people make comments like "I just can't wait until Friday". Seems to me it would much better (even though I admit it would seem strange to many) to be able to say, "I can't wait until Monday". After all, we spend many more days (5) at work, then not at work.

    So I'm asking you what do you think when you think about the future? Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years? What would you be doing? How about 10 years?

  2. Thats very interesting and cool, but yes I can look at it the same way as you for me. Like doing something that I enjoy doing which is doing hair. Thats why right now I'm giving my all, since I have an opportunity here at the Career Center but I also do wanna continue going to school so I can become better, and better, throughout the years.

  3. Now we're getting to specifics. Good! So here is the title of your next post: "Me in Five Years". We definitely have great opportunities here at the Career Center. Talk about how you will use your cosmetology study to land the job you want. Where do you plan to work? What credentials will you have at the end of the program?

    More food for thought... One possible path to advancement in the cosmetology field is to someday own your own shop. Is that something you might want to do? Where would you like to be in five years?
